Modern Hairstyles Part 5

Now many people would use elastics but if you are going to use these then make sure that they are coated or covered in material such as scrunches for example. Once you have done this, you can stand back up straight and adjust your ponytail to exactly where you want it to hang from. Some individuals like a ponytail that will hang almost from the top of the head whereas others like it in the middle section of the back of the head and some even lower. This is going to come down to the type of look you want and if you are going to do anything further as far as styling with your ponytail

You can do other variations with your ponytail look as well. Perhaps if you do not want it at the back you can have your ponytail to the side. This way what you need to do is turn your head to the side to gather all your hair at this time.

Then there are different ways that you can dress up your ponytail by using some pretty ribbons, which are ideal, if you have used thin elastic. Alternatively, you may want to go with many of the scrunches.

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